Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Okay, we are wrapping up, and if you have been reading my blog, it must feel like there is a huge gap between events. True and not true.
I was just blocked out of a little presentation on what you could do with an iPod. Too full. I actually thought I would look it all up on the website that was posted, but by now I have had two cups of hot beverages (it's all ACed, so you have to drink hot stuff to keep warm.) and a few conversations, I forgot. Oops. Will have to go back and look it up again.
This morning i also tried to go to the museum of arts, and I made iot to teh door, but it was too early. However, because it was so early, it was also cool, and I enjoyed the weather for a bit outside, not under these bizarre electric lights.
So, what was there last night that might catch your eye?
well, among other things happening, and me giving away my contact information in the hope to win some stuff, I happened to be at teh right time in the right place, and won a Smartboard. Must have used up all of my luck from the time before. Martha last night suggested having a raffle, or announce a call for RFPs to best use it.
For Becky, the website is where the guys are who will come and have a camp with you using Adobe products.
Last night there was a reception for NE and we had a good time and met some nice persons, like the ACTEM president.
These conferences fill you with ideas. There was one guy whose job is to inspire. What a great job!
Okay, try me later.

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