Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Jun 26, 2007 9:47 AM

NECC 2007

Ok, we are just done with the panel discussion with Andrew Zolli and some other people.
The main idea is that we need to encourage students to be creative and allow kids to gather and have a place and time to hang out and... think and learn. Companies are thirsty for innovation.
You know if nothing else this sort of conversations is really really inspiring.
This makes me want to have/be in a school where there is a student lounge or something of this sort. I mean we constantly talk about how students are more knowledgeable in some ways than teachers, yet we completely deny our students the right, opportunity and the sense of learning from each other.
I am thinking, we should round up kids to do professional development, especially around technology. This will be such a breakthrough. I wonder if we as MLTI/eMINTS mentors could do that after school, since most teachers may run into the insurmountable issue of compensation for after school work.
There was a teacher who got the ISTE award (in part) for running this service learning project where they educated senior citizens to live in the modern world filled with technology, and that there was a 93-year old woman who drove 30 miles to attend those classes, and when asked why she did that, she said there is so much to learn, she needed to keep up!
I think that's a huge idea. I would love to assist a school implement something similar, or be part of it in some way.
Some really interesting people are here.
I assume there will be all sorts of media and reports posted on the ISTE site shortly, if not already, so pick something you like and have time for and plug into the virtual conference experience.
PS. Pictures will be posted at a later time. Maybe when I get done with a few more sessions, or closer to the end of the day. I don't win the Adobe Creative Suite site license, there will still be plenty to take home and share! :)
And apologies if this post is a bit scattered and poorly organized, just trying to capture the moment before I forget.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great idea. I like the idea of doing things after school that teachers might not have time to do.
I also think the idea of community gathering places around technology. I hope that I am like that 93 year old woman someday when I am 93. Wish I was there. keep the blogs coming.