I am planning to resume this blog, at least for the near future (and will write this time as much as I can before the battery runs out on this laptop).
Today I have been looking at resources to use in the elementary classrooms, to get kids used to the logging procedures, and getting them started on things. The feeling is that they have already tried it all one way or another at home, or outside of school (at a friend's house, in the library), but most likely they have had a different set of procedures and tasks to perform (mom logged in, child went to yahoo! Kids Games, or something like that).
While I was scouting the web, I came upon a couple of promising sites (for all I know, if they can focus long enough, they could be doing Khan Academy, although I would rather have them do MathPickle).
One interesting site was this: http://www.artsconnected.org/toolkit/index.html
Today I have been looking at resources to use in the elementary classrooms, to get kids used to the logging procedures, and getting them started on things. The feeling is that they have already tried it all one way or another at home, or outside of school (at a friend's house, in the library), but most likely they have had a different set of procedures and tasks to perform (mom logged in, child went to yahoo! Kids Games, or something like that).
While I was scouting the web, I came upon a couple of promising sites (for all I know, if they can focus long enough, they could be doing Khan Academy, although I would rather have them do MathPickle).
One interesting site was this: http://www.artsconnected.org/toolkit/index.html
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