Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Think of lessons that you participated in as students that involved using information or skills from at least two different subjects?

Image by mooncat from http://sxc.hu
This may be a good use of a blog for those questions that do not necessarily require a discussion, but more an opinion.
Please post your comments by clicking the comment link below.

How might interdisciplinary units be implemented in personal classrooms?
How would students in personal classrooms benefit from an interdisciplinary unit?
What challenges might be encountered?

How can teachers develop interdisciplinary units:

What challenges can appear when completing interdisciplinary lessons with a class? What are some advantages to using interdisciplinary units? How might a teacher incorporate student input into the planning of a unit?

Image by anissat from sxc.hu
Evaluating Interdisciplinary Units:
Were there ideas uncovered while assessing existing units that will aid your own
development of an interdisciplinary unit?
Managing Student Learning:
How will ideas shared here transfer into practice?
What benefits does the use of technology afford teachers and students when working with interdisciplinary units?
How is teacher and student productivity increased?
Planning an Interdisciplinary Unit:
What has been most challenging?
What concepts uncovered during this session change their current teaching practices? How?

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

There is much talk going about assessment. While the latest trend is to give up LAS altogether, this doesn't undermine the importance of day-to-day assessment, evaluative or formative, that teachers use and will continue to use.
What has been your experience with assessment? What would you like to learn about/improve/try and see it work?
Please offer your experiences and thoughts by replying to this post.