Thursday, October 12, 2006

David Warlick Session at the Augusta Civic Center.
It's a beginning, more to come.
Okay, here we go, a few resources to use in the classroom:
Classroom emails and blogs
Class Blogmeister with Class Password for safety. In this one, the teachers remains in control. An email is sent to the teacher when a student submits a post, she can read it and edit it, and then okay it to post.

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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

This is a special post for my Internet: Getting Connected Workshop for Portland Public Schools. Please share your questions about today's session. What are your expectations? What would you like to learn?
Please click on the comment below and write one. You should be able to post anonymously.
This may be a model for using blogs in schools. Please remember that these postings are PUBLIC!

Some activities may be found at

Some great resources can be found at , my Portaportal, under Internet